Evie Welcomes You

Hey friends! You’ve found my website: eviemusic.org, “the official Evie website.” Thanks for your interest! I’m Evie Karlsson, but you may know me by my maiden name, “Tornquist.” Or perhaps you know me as simply, “Evie”—short for “Evelyn.”
Perhaps you’ve found this website because you’re interested in knowing where to find some of my older music, you have heard that there’s a concert in your area, or you’re just wondering what in the world we’re up to these days! Maybe you’ve heard about the SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER of 3 CDS plus one bonus gift: the CD with my husband! Scroll down for more information!
Whatever may have brought you here, please know that I’m glad you stopped by—honored, actually.
I consider myself a truly blessed woman! I’ve been married to my life-mate, Pelle, for 40+ years now and we have the best kids in the world. Kristoffer and Jenny are both married to wonderful mates, and I am in heaven– I am a grandmother!! Times THREE! First came a grandson, Max, now age 9 , and two more granddaughters, Liv and Linnea– 6 years old. The old adage is certainly true with me: Grandchildren are life’s dessert! But more than anything, God has allowed me the privilege of doing what I love to do—ministering in various ways and Lord willing–touching lives through music—all around the world. But make no mistake: the treasure I hold dearest to my heart is knowing Christ and experiencing the joy of making Him known.
By the way, for you FaceBook folks, I’m having lots of fun on the EvieMusic Page connecting with many of you on a regular basis. Feel free to check in there from time to time!
Click on the “Holiday Gift Offer” page on the right side for more information.
Favorite Hymns
I am over-the-top thankful and blessed to have worked with my son, Kris Karlsson, on this project who is a gifted musician and songwriter in his own right. His background vocals are so unique and special as well. Kris is the arranger and producer of the hymns “record” and plays most of the instruments, too!
Over the years, we have had precious times of family fellowship in our living room. What incredible worship took place with various instruments and many voices! When you listen to this album, I want you to feel like you are there. I want you to feel like you are a part of an acoustic worship set and that you feel free to sing the well-known words with us.
For titles and more information, please go to the Music Store page. And for all you “techy” folks, you can download “Songs from the Hymn Book” on iTunes and Amazon. We also recently added the original albums entitled “Mirror,” “Gentle Moments,” “A Little Song of Joy for my Little Friends,” and “Come On Ring Those Bells” to iTunes and Amazon as well.
Here is a quick snippet of the NEW Hymns project!
It brings such joy to my heart to tell you all about this new album from my husband, Pelle. “Bowing Down – Songs of Kingdom Perspective,” will really bless you. Please go to the drop-down on the top right of this home page for more information.