E-Card from October

Who doesn’t like receiving a postcard? ‘Specially one of those gorgeous vistas from a foreign land that just seems to open our eyes to a new horizon? As we study that picture and day-dream a bit, the old television commercial comes to mind: “Calgon, take me away!!”

Have you ever been on vacation to a place far from home, and as you enter that little corner store to buy some batteries or chewing gum, (or that thick, pink liquid to sooth your tummy!)– the turn-style rack of colorful postcards seems to lure you in? Sometimes you just have to fall for the temptation to buy one or two cards, including the right postage, too. Usually by the time you write your friends or family and send it in the mail—you are safely back home days ahead of your card! That’s happened to me quite a few times.

Even in this day of electronic mail, the main reason for a card like that of course is to let your loved ones know that you are thinking of them. And perhaps if you are really honest, to make them wish they’d said “yes” when you asked them to join you on the trip! After all, check out that breath-takingly gorgeous view of the idyllic countryside on the front of that postcard! It’s not that your message is detailed or even informative; it’s the thought that counts.

That is basically the idea behind these simple little “E-cards” that will post every now and then here at this website. A sort of “just-checkin’-in” kind of connection with you. Nothing earth-shattering or too heavy, but some thoughts that I’d like to share with you, my friends.

We start off with one of my all time favorite scriptures from the NIV translation of the Bible. Galatians 5, the last half of verse 6:“the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” I can’t tell you how often that passage has spoken to me! It is almost like a ruler or a measure-stick. . .testing, challenging, revealing the motives behind what I am up to.

Since I fully believe the Bible is God’s true Word, living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating. . . judging even the thoughts and attitudes of the heart, (Heb. 4:12), I take this very seriously. If indeed I am NOT expressing my faith through love, then I can just as well stop right here and now. It won’t count anyway!

Faith is not just an intellectual thing to try and grasp, but it is a way of life and a deep trust in God’s character and grace that will directly influence who I am as a person of faith.

Is your love showing???

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