What is it about us girls? Porcelain dishes, tea pots, lace, and the list goes on and on at least for me. Without question, when God designed me as a girl, He really added plenty of the feminine elements. Since childhood, I have loved the color pink, purses, ruffles, candles, counted cross-stitch and all sorts of girly-girl stuff. Here I am in my mid 50′s and I still love it all. Granted, there is always a risk of getting the home too cluttered with all of this, but I’ve tried to simplify and scale it down. My husband, Pelle has been a trooper; he’s put up with my X-X chromosome for many years!
Don’t get me wrong, while I enjoy finding a lovely teacup on sale at Marshalls or from a local antique store, such as the one pictured here from my latest trip to beautiful St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, I do believe that I keep it all in perspective! It is, after all, just “stuff”! Earthly things. (Albeit cute stuff. And functional– for my Earl Grey on a cool morning!)
Even you men have “stuff” that lures you. Admit it–Car items, Best Buys’ latest tech-ie wonder, new sports equipment, the hottest gizmos for your hobbies. And of course girls enjoy all of that, too.
Matthew 6:19-21 talks about treasures. You know it: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. . .but store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Have you checked your treasure account lately? The one that really matters? The one where your heart is? The account registered in Heaven? Has it been growing?