Archive by Author



It’s been a while since my last E-card. A lot has been happening in our family. The biggest news: about three months ago we added a new little grandson– Max! Our first grandbaby! In some ways I actually feel “promoted”! Kind of like going up to the next grade in junior high, but of course [...]

The Bridge of Prayer

The Bridge of Prayer

The Bridge of Prayer The first time I met Pelle, who would later become my husband, was in his homeland of Sweden sometime in the early 70′s. I’d been invited to sing at a large summer Bible conference called “Nyhems Veckan.” It’s held at an idyllic little spot in the center of the country which [...]

New Year’s Greetings

New Year’s Greetings

As a small child, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would often answer “a lawyer” and then with a smirk on my face add, “AND a gift-wrapper at the department store!”  I must’ve thought that being a lawyer would require a little job on the side to help off-set [...]

Christmas E-Card

Christmas E-Card

Christmas is especially wonderful for those who love the Lord!  It is for me.  I love Him!  This is a time of year when much of the world stops to celebrate the season.  The season of shopping– so there can be gifts under the tree to give a loved one and brighten their everyday.  The [...]

Thanksgiving E-Card

Thanksgiving E-Card

Remember the old addage, “attitude of gratitude”? I love that. There is something so beneficial about choosing to have a mindset of gratefulness and thanksgiving. . . no matter what! There will always be something to distract and cause us to take our eyes off what is good, and pure and right and lovely. And [...]

E-Card for November II

E-Card for November II

TREASURES What is it about us girls?  Porcelain dishes, tea pots, lace, and the list goes on and on at least for me.  Without question, when God designed me as a girl, He really added plenty of the feminine elements.  Since childhood, I have loved the color pink, purses, ruffles, candles, counted cross-stitch and all [...]

E-Card for November

E-Card for November

Foundations.  Important stuff when you are thinking about building something! The widely recognized and often-photographed “Leaning Tower of Pisa” from the Tuscany district of Italy is our subject on this tourist-trappy postcard.  It’s fascinating to study a bit of the history behind this cool-looking structure.  More than 800 years ago, during a time of great [...]

E-Card from October

E-Card from October

Who doesn’t like receiving a postcard? ‘Specially one of those gorgeous vistas from a foreign land that just seems to open our eyes to a new horizon? As we study that picture and day-dream a bit, the old television commercial comes to mind: “Calgon, take me away!!” Have you ever been on vacation to a [...]